This fourth edition consolidates the experiences gained on landmark projects such as Crossrail, HS2 and Thames Tideway and presents the updated guidance emerging from practical application of the third edition. Like the earlier editions it relies heavily on the experience of individual and corporate members of the BTS. Extensive peer reviews have

Similar to the third edition, there are major changes in the section on sprayed concrete which re?ect its growth in use and development as a technique. The sections dealing with then new techniques, such as sprayed applied waterproo?ng membranes, have been critically reviewed and likewise re?ect practical experience. All sections have been updated to re?ect best current practice, changes in national standards and the new Eurocodes. We trust that the fourth edition of the BTS Speci?cation will retain its position as trusted standard for tunnelling contracts in coming years.

This version of the specification has been published under a Creative Commons license and is, in consequence, open access content which can be obtained free of charge from the ICE Virtual Library Specification for Tunnelling (