The largest fire tests ever to be carried out with a fire suppression system took place last month in a test tunnel in Spain. The tests were for the SAFE concept that will be implemented in the Channel Tunnel.

Various specialised companies and five scientific institutes were involved in the testing that simulated on full scale the conditions that would be met in the case fire breaking out in the Channel Tunnel.

Thousands of wooden pallets were burned as part of the experiment. The energy output by the test fires amounted up to 200 MW, which equates to 40 or 50 burning cars. Temperatures of up to 1,200 degrees Celsius were measured. After the Fogtec water mist system was activated, temperatures in all important areas were reduced to less than 50 degrees Celsius within two minutes.

The contracts for equipping the four so-called SAFE areas for the suppression of fires in the Channel Tunnel were awarded in November 2009 to Fogtec. Fogtec’s water mist system fights fires by means of extremely small water droplets. The protection concept has been targeted especially at the protection of the wagons carrying lorries.

Jacques Gounon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Eurotunnel Group, commented: “Safety is the number one priority at Eurotunnel. That is why we are constantly innovating and continue to maintain a high level of investment in this area. The new SAFE stations, with no equivalent in the world, complete the many safety installations and equipments already in place.”

The managing director of Fogtec, Dirk K. Sprakel, confirmed, “The SAFE-Project is a milestone for fire protection in railway tunnels. It helps to increase safety, to reduce the investment and operating costs and to minimise shutdown times.“