For engineers, the challenges are technical, ideally, presenting early as needs awaiting project solutions yet to be conceived, possibly as ambitious and grand, or small and sufficient. They could be on drawing boards already, physical or digital – for those are storyboards upon which society casts its dreams. Makes movies for and of itself.

When the challenges are economic, fiscal? Well, the movies might thorough and ongoing support, or changes of directors, even markets; if the new views don’t align then the soured outlook can find fresh figures to cast doubt, and all or chunks of a hoped for big movie can be left on the cutting room floor.

Infrastructure is a bit like Hollywood, in some ways. Technicians have no control at the top of the game but they do in the craft, which where satisfaction is found but sometimes also influence upward, bringing fresh solutions that can win support and which is also part of the pleasure found in engineering,

In this issue we look at how: unusually, a TBM came to be used for a central pilot road tube, in China; using the technology in triple bores held the key to delicate tunnelling for an upgrade of flood management infrastructure; and, for vital maintenance as well as upgrades, there are many and varied solutions needed for utility sewers and water tunnels in urban and rural settings.

Much will be discussed on project challenges and solutions at coming industry gatherings – including BTS events (BTSYM Conference in September, and BTS Conference in October). The largest international gatherings are the World Tunnel Congress – next in Sweden (WTC 2025). The past events were successes in no small part to the dedication and work, and steadfast service of ITA’s former executive director, Olivier Vion, who died recently and whose contribution to the global industry we celebrate.