TBM Wilma has completed the first kilometre of her 7.5km drive for the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT).

ARGE H53 BBT, a consortium of Porr and Marti, launched Wilma and her sister TBM, Olga, on September 18 last year.

The two 10.37m-diameter Herrenknecht machines are building the east and west tunnels respectively on the Pfons-Brenner section of the railway towards Innsbruck.

They are the last of nine TBMs deployed on the Brenner Base Tunnel and have successfully navigated the Schmirntal fault zone.

Meanwhile, TBM Flavia, which launched from the Lot H61 Mules 2-3 site in April 2019, has just 300m remaining of her 14.3km drive on the west main tunnel. Flavia is working under an overburden of 1,200m of rock.