The Brazilian Tunnelling Committee announced it will release details of the 3rd Brazilian Congress of Tunnels and Underground Structures, and the international seminar ‘South American Tunnelling 2012’ at its technical event in Belo Horizonte on 30 August.
The meeting will run from 13:00 to 21:00 at the CREA/MG Conference Centre on Av Alvares Cabral, Santo Agostinho in Belo Horizonte. All tunnellers were invited and for registration should email Sponsors of the meeting included Atals Copco, Sandvik, Geobrugg and J Dantas.
For more details on next year’s congress visit Sponsors as T&T went to press included Andrade Gutierrez, Odebrecht, Herrenknecht, Poyry and Geobrugg.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, was selected as the venue for the World Tunnel Congress (WTC) in 2014 during WTC Helsinki earlier this year.