The 9.46m diameter TBM driving part of the new Line 4 of São Paulo’s metro was being prepared for re-launch as T&TI went to press after its successful first leg drive to Fradique Coutinho station.

Launched back in February, the Herrenknecht EPB machine bored from a launch box at Faria Lima station in the middle of the metro line and driving east will next bore to Oscar Freire station. Seli is undertaking the bore for the CVA Consortium, which includes Odebrecht.

With the ultimate destination being the Joao Theodoro Shaft near Luz station, the TBM will drive the single bore metro line through geology consisting of Tertiary soils of silt and sand along with gneiss in the alignment. On the way, between Oscar and the end reception point, the machine will pass through three more stations – Paulista, Higienopolis-Mackenzie, and Republica.

Tunnel design was by Line 4 D&E Consortium. The 8.43m i.d concrete lining consists of seven segments plus a key, each ring being 1.5m long by 350mm thick.

To the west of the launch box is Pinheiros station where a platform tunnel being excavated by NATM collapsed in January, taking part of the shaft being built for Pinheiros station. Investigations are still underway and designs are being redeveloped for the station in the now open-cut site (T&TI, February, p8).