Preparations are underway launch the first of two Herrenknecht EPBMs on Line B1 of the Rome metro.
Seli is undertaking the Line B1 drives under subcontract to a JV of Salini Costruttori and Maire Engineering. The first drive with TBM S-387 is due to commence shortly and all excavation to be finished by September 2009.
The 6.77m diameter machines were ordered in 2006, and the total length of tunnel to be bored by them is 5.6km. The segmental lining of the 5.8m i.d. tunnels will be 350mm thick.
Geology along the alignment consists of clay, sandy clay and conglomerate. Each has EPBM has maximum cutterhead thrust of 50,000kN and torque of 6,967kNm.
Herrenknecht is also supplying four EPBMs to a JV led by Astaldi for excavation works on the metro’s Line C. They are to also start their drives this year.
One of the two EPBMs for Seli to drive Line B1 of Rome metro