Governor Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo said on 3 May 2013 that the plan, which will be included in the city budget for 2014, was expected to curb illegal parking in the Monas area.
"We’re going to build an underground parking lot beneath the IRTI parking lot next year so there will be no more illegal parking," he told reporters at City Hall, referring to the parking lot at South Merdeka Park, inside the Monas compound.
Jokowi added the administration would start working on the design engineering detail this year. However, the governor could not give an estimation of the budget required for the project.
The governor came up with the plan after meeting with National Resilience Institute (Lemhanas) governor Budi Susilo Soepandji, who complained over illegal parking near the Lemhanas building area, which is located next to the City Hall compound.