East West Connect comprises contractors Capella Capital, Lend Lease, Acciona and Bouygues. Inner Link Group includes Cintra Infraestructuras, Retail Employees Superannuation, Samsung C&T, Ferrovial Agroman, Ghella, Transfield Services and Macquarie Capital.
While Momentum Infrastructure is formed of John Holland, Dragados Australia, Leighton Contractors, Iridium Concesiones de Infraestructuras, and The Bank of Tokyo ­ Mitsubishi UFJ.

Treasurer Michael O’Brien said all short-listed bidders had strong financial credentials that would support the project moving quickly to the construction phase in 2014.

"It is exciting to see such a competitive field of international and Australian bidders,² O¹Brien said. ³I have no doubt this competition with three shortlisted bidders will drive value for money for Victorian taxpayers."

The next step for the project will be the release of a Request for Proposal to the shortlisted bidders, which will be finalised in October.

Contracts to deliver the project will be awarded in late 2014 with completion anticipated in 2019-20.