The USD 370M project is a 20ft- (6m-) diameter, 23,300ft- (7km-) long tunnel that provides wet weather relief to the existing OSIS sewer, the main combined sewer through downtown Columbus, Ohio.
ASCE annually recognizes an exemplary project that best illustrates superior civil engineering skills and represents a significant contribution to civil engineering progress and society. Honoring an overall project rather than an individual, the award celebrates the contributions of many engineers.
DLZ was responsible for putting together the conceptual plans, design reports, and detailed construction plans and specifications for the OARS project. A joint venture of Kenny/Obayashi received notice to proceed on the phase 1 September 2010. The USD 264.5M contract included the entire 20ft-diameter tunnel; Shafts 1, 2 and 6; OSIS Relief Structure at Shaft 6, Screen Building over Shaft 2, West Gate Chamber.