Brisbane-based Pinssar has spent four years researching and developing a low maintenance, durable DPM monitor system, which is capable of measuring emissions in the critical sub- 800 nanometre particle range – where DPM lurks.

The system has been designed to deliver reliable DPM data to management in real time, via smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. It is ready for deployment in many environments such as tunnels, underground mines, ships, oil rigs, maintenance workshops and many other confined space environments where diesel engine exhaust emissions present a serious health threat to workers.

Owner, managing director and driving force behind Pinssar, Francois Velge, said the real time capabilities of the technology meant protecting the health of workers was paramount, as it had previously not been possible to monitor DPM and sub-800 nanometre particles in real time in harsh environments.

The monitor uses laser light scattering photometry technology (LLS) and Pinssar has overcome previous issues with using the technology in underground environments, while delivering real-time usable data to an above-ground server.

“Previous technologies offered random spot checks via handheld monitors or personal gravimetric systems, which required off-site processing and analysis of samples,” Velge said.

“That has meant workers could be exposed to unsafe conditions for up to three weeks while conventional test results were processed.

“If unsafe conditions occur spasmodically, traditional testing normally undertaken every four weeks even more drastically increases the risk of missing significant exposure events.”

The dangers of diesel engine exhaust were not clearly defined until 2012, when the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it was carcinogenic to humans and placed it in the highest risk category, at the same risk level as asbestos.

The following year, Pinssar owners Kate and Francois Velge set out to develop an ultra-low maintenance DPM monitor, capable of measuring emissions in the critical sub-800 nanometre particle range where DPM exists.

After four years of research, development and testing and a large investment by the Velges, in late 2017 Pinssar released the world’s first ultra-low maintenance continuous DPM monitor for harsh environments and confined spaces, such as mines and tunnels.

The monitors are operational in sites across the USA, Canada, France, England, Chile, South Africa and Australia, with operators reporting greater confidence in working conditions and workers feeling reassured they are working in a monitored and safer environment.

Velge said release of the new technology had been perfectly timed as new British Standards (BS 6164), released on October 31, 2019, clearly state the dangers of diesel particle matter and the importance of it being taken seriously by relevant industries.

The British Standards report states: “Exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions should be controlled to prevent exposure to DPM. Primary control should be achieved by reducing emissions at source along with adequate ventilation. Until further guidance is issued by HSE, a limit value of 100 μg/m3 as a 15-minute time-weighted average, and measured as elemental carbon, should not be exceeded.

“Real-time monitoring of DPM using light scattering technology should be considered, however appropriate correction factors should be applied to ensure differentiation between DPM and mineral dust along with aerosols in the tunnel environment. Analytical monitoring for DPM should be carried out in accordance with BS EN 14530.

“Continuous real time monitoring should be undertaken.” Velge said the British Standards may be applied to all Commonwealth countries, which meant the impact of the decision should flow through to Australia, South Africa, Canada, New Zealand and India.

He expected the “best in class” and “early adopters” to fall into line and introduce real time DPM monitoring into their operations.

It would most likely see real time DPM monitoring become an essential part of construction contracts and would likely mean employers would no longer be able to legally claim ignorance if a worker claimed their health had been affected by DPM exposure.

“The liability is now there and I’m very sure there are managing directors in boardrooms around the world taking notice,” Velge said.

“Insurers globally will also be looking at this quite carefully in regard to litigation, no question about it.

“Ultimately, no one wants to see DPM exposure become one of the great social disasters like lead, black dust and asbestos.

“Thankfully, Pinssar’s technology means the industry now has the tools to ensure the safety of workers is protected.

“At the end of the day, proper DPM monitoring will save lives – there’s no denying it.”

Almost 17,000km from where it was developed, Pinssar’s DPM monitoring system is protecting the health of workers on one of Europe’s largest tunnelling projects.

The 57km cross-border section of the Lyon to Turin train tunnel, directly under the Alps between France and Italy, is a project of the SMP4 joint venture.

It installed DPM monitors after deciding the drill and blast section of the project could pose unsatisfactory DPM risks to workers.

“Our monitoring regime previously consisted of real-time fixed gasses, monthly personal monitoring for crystalline silicosis and weekly air flow surveys,” SMP4’s Head of Occupational Health and Safety, Salvatore Maureddu, said.

“However, based on our anticipated DPM load, our OH&S department set out to investigate the availability of real-time DPM monitoring solutions and that research led to discussions with Pinssar.

“In December 2018 we deployed the Pinssar DPM Monitoring System, with an aim of understanding the DPM background levels of the project. Once those levels were understood, we implemented a DPM load reduction program.

“We undertook an initial three-week monitoring program to establish the average base load.”

Tunneling operations were stopped over three days at Christmas, resulting in a background DPM level of just 10μg/m3.

After evaluation of the pre-Christmas results, management decided to change the airflow and ventilation parameters. Maureddu said the results were immediate, with the average DPM load exposure falling below the desired 50μg/m3 on an ongoing basis.

The site has since conducted other tests to identify how realtime monitoring can help monitor sub-800nm particles from sources other than diesel engines.

“In March 2019 SMP4 identified that welding underground not only contaminates the air around the welding station but the fumes travel a substantial distance and can potentially contaminate workers not directly involved with the welding process,” he said.

“Welding fumes are sub-800nm and, accordingly, the smoke from welding is detected by the Pinssar reader and will alert passive workers that they could be at risk.

“As a direct result of the real-time monitoring program, SMP4 has now changed our welding processes to ensure the health and safety of our workforce.

“Our trials have more than proven the worth of Pinssar’s real time DPM monitors and we now feel confident we are doing all we can to protect the health of our underground workers.”

Velge said he believed it was important for operators to consider that rather than being fearful of their DPM levels, Pinssar was specifically designed to confidentially help companies by ‘monitoring to manage’ DPM levels and trends over time.

It had the unique ability to support risk mitigation by ensuring companies understood their DPM levels and work proactively to minimise the risk, while having supporting data to protect themselves against false claims.

“So, we feel very confident that ultimately both the workers and managers will benefit by deploying the Pinssar realtime DPM monitoring system,” he said.

“When considering real-time monitoring, we would always caution our customers to remember that while DPM is reactive and on occasion high levels will be naturally occurring on any worksite, as a direct result of the interactions between the emitting technologies and the ventilation; it’s actually not that useful to know.

“It’s the time weighted averages which the regulatory bodies consider and we highly recommend this position as instantaneous peaks have little effect on DPM shift averages or a specific time weighted average. Don’t be fearful – it is highly likely your DPM averages are not as bad as you think, and it’s better to know than to worry unnecessarily.

“And finally, do not collect data for data’s sake. Form a DPM committee, manage the data and test your controls, as this is the other key to the value in real time DPM monitoring.

“The main benefit is obviously – together we will save lives.”