Atlas Copco offers five high output bolters with full- or semi- computerised control designed to install all popular types of bolts. Add a two-boom cable bolter, and the result is claimed to be the most productive and flexible range of bolting systems available.

The larger Atlas Copco fully-mechanised bolting rigs equipped with the MBU bolting unit can handle bolts up to 6m long and roof heights up to 11m.

The Boltec MC and LC, are equipped with a computerised control system with an interactive operator control panel displaying the computer-based drilling system. Automatic functions for drilling, such as auto-collaring and anti-jamming, and improved regulation of the rock drill, are said to provide high performance and outstanding drill steel economy. The rigs also feature an integrated diagnostic and fault location system.

The MBU bolting unit is a single feed system using a cradle indexer at the rear end and a drill steel support, plus indexer, for grouting at the top end. It has a low-mounted magazine for 10 bolts and can handle all common bolts.

Atlas Copco also produces three bolting rigs with direct hydraulic control, the Boltec 235, MD and LD, together with the SL, a semi-mechanised low headroom model for roof heights down to 1.8m.

The Cabletec LC is a mechanised dual-purpose rig with an RCS computer control system. Its two booms, enable efficient production drilling and high quality, high precision cable bolting.

Atlas Copco concludes: “Separating the cement grouting and drilling operations enables increased bolting capacity and availability. Dry cement is stored in an onboard silo and is fed by a screw system into the mixer, where each batch is mixed to a programmed recipe.”

Atlas Copco

Tel: +46 19 670 7000

A Boltec A Boltec MC and LC