NFM Technologies offers state-of-the-art TBM technology for all kinds of geological conditions, without any boring limitation up to 16m. Its machines include EPB, Benton’air slurry machine, single or telescopic shield hard rock TBMs and dual-mode machines.

The company has supplied machines for worldwide infrastructure projects including metro, railway, motorway, sewage and water transfer.

The Chinese market will be in the spotlight for 2007, with more than 12 machines currently under construction or already tunnelling. NFM Technologies has recently supplied two 11.38m diameter Benton’air slurry machines for a road tunnel under the Yangtze River, in Wuhan.

Two other 11.93m diameter Benton’air machines are set to bore a railway tunnel between the two main train stations in Beijing. Also, four 11.12m diameter machines are going to excavate a high-speed train junction tunnel between Ghangzhou and Shenzhen.

In the European market, and more specifically Spain, the first of two large machines for the 10km Pajares railway tunnel has broken through. After having completed the first 4,800m of the Barcelona subway Line 9, the 11.95m dua-mode TBM “Besi” is set to start boring another 9km long drive.

NFM Technologies

Tel: +33 426 848 700

NFM Technologies