Phase2 6.0, from Rocscience, is a 2D FE stress analysis program for underground or surface excavations in rock or soil. It includes built-in FE groundwater seepage analysis and FE slope stability. “Complex, multi-stage models can be easily created and quickly analysed.” says Rocscience.

A major feature of Phase2 6.0 is FE slope stability using the shear strength reduction (SSR) method. This option is fully automated and can be used with either Mohr-Coulomb or Hoek-Brown strength parameters. Slope models can be imported from Slide and computed in Phase2, allowing easy comparison of limit equilibrium and FE results.

Also from Rocscience is Unwedge, a 3D stability analysis and visualisation program for computing the safety factor of wedges formed by intersecting structural discontinuities around excavations in rock. Unwedge uses an analysis engine based on Goodman and Shi’s block theory, which includes the ability to incorporate induced stress around the excavation, and improved scaling and sizing of wedges.

An interactive sidebar is said to allow for easy entry and modification of model parameters, and advanced editing tools provide a convenient method for performing parametric studies.


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Screenshot from Phase2 (V6) Screenshot from Unwedge