Devico is a leading supplier of Directional Core Drilling (DCD) equipment. The company’s system consists of three major components:

DeviSoft – an integrated Windows software package used to design, plan and control boreholes as well as manipulate and report surveying data.

DeviDrill – a hydraulically operated core barrel that performs borehole steering; consisting of main body, packer and locking tube assemblies, eccentric bushing, drive shaft and core barrel assembly, with muleshoe, onboard measurement and latches.

DeviTool – a family of surveying instruments developed to serve the DeviDrill system, as well as perform borehole surveying and core orientation.

The DeviTool range includes: Standard probe – standard magnetic inclinometer; Pee Wee probe – small diameter (30mm) magnetic inclinometer; DeviFlex probe – non-magnetic inclinometer based on Devico directional sensor, which uses strain gage technology for a sensitive beam; DeviCore – high-accuracy instrument based on advanced electronic sensor technology for continuous core orientation.

The system provides data for core analysts to accurately determine the dip and strike of bedding, foliation, cleavage, healed or broken joints, contacts, and shears.

Advantages are said to include better geological information; Reduced drilling programmes (less transport drilling); Better rates of penetration; Project time reduction; Less environmental impact.

Devico has been major DCD service supplier for the Eagle’s Nest Tunnels, Po Shan Road and HATS projects in Hong Kong.


Tel: +47 7287 0101