Over 11-13 September, Stockholm will be host city to the 10th Nordic Grouting Symposium. The event is being organised by Svenska Bergteknikföreningen (SVB – the Swedish Rock Engineering Association).
Themes for the latest symposium are: concepts and design for grouting; grouting materials; requirements and verifications; grouting equipment; grouting of soilrock- concrete interfaces; contracts and compensation; and, case studies.
The venue is the Hilton Stockholm Slussen, in the centre of the capital, where the organisers have arranged rates for delegates.
Course & Technical Tours
The main symposium gathering is preceded, on 11 September, by a one-day grouting course – Practical Usage of Grouting Fundamentals. The course is being hosted at the Trafikverket’s (Swedish Transport Administration) project site at Lovö on the Stockholm Bypass.
Stockholm Bypass is also the focus of the symposium’s first technical tour, in the afternoon, at the site. The second technical tour – to the expanding underground metro – will take place the following day, on 12 September, after the first busy day of the symposium programme.
Technical Programme
Keynote speakers at the symposium are Håkan Stille, of Geokonsult Stille AB, and Knut Garshol, of K. Garshol Rock Engineering Ltd.
Stille is to speak in his morning keynote, after the Opening Ceremony, on the topic ‘Transformation of grouting from black magic to art of engineering’.
Following two technical sessions that first day of the symposium, the afternoon’s proceedings are to hear the keynote by Garshol on the topic ‘Challenges of grouting for groundwater control in hard rock tunnelling’.
Afterward, while some delegates can join in the technical workshop, others can opt for the metro site visit.
In total, the symposium has five technical sessions, arranged to the main themes of the event. Two technical sessions are to be held on the first day of the symposium (12 September), and three on the last day (13 September).
In the following summary list, the proposed grouting papers to be presented relate to tunnels only or general interest of grouting (the symposium has a few more papers planned for presentation but while technically of interest there are no tunnels involved, such as a geotechnical focus on foundations for a dam and, offshore, a floating terminal).
For reasons of space, only the name of the lead author (as provided by the organiser) is listed along with the title of the paper to be presented.
Requirements and Verifications
1 – ‘Data-driven control of compensation grouting measures’, P. Maroschek et al
2 – ‘Verifying the quality and performance of grout using sensor technology’, M.B. Hadebe et al
3 – ‘Connection between drilling and grouting in underground work’, T. Otterberg et al
Concepts and Design for Grouting
1 – ‘Pre-investigation data in grouting design: recommendations regarding fracture aperture distributions’, S. Kvartsberg et al
2 – ‘Technological insights into Hybrid Grouting’, H. Baumann et al
3 – ‘Theoretical analysis of rock grouting with varying injection pressure’, L. Zou et al
4 – ‘Optimising the fan layout with respect to the grouting boreholes and identified geological structures’, J. Funehag et al
5 – ‘Shear modulus as a new parameter to characterise grout’, W. Åberg et al
6 – ‘The significance of geology for pre-grouting of tunnels – Experiences from the Stockholm Bypass’, B. Stille
Grouting of SoilRockConcrete Interfaces
1 – ‘Sealing under artesian circumstances to stop water causing collapse’, H. Andersson
2 – ‘Pre-grouting from a TBM: The Follo Line EPC TBM project (Oslo, Norway)’, F. V. O de la Torre
3 – ‘Sealing the zone between soil and rock to stop water and quick clay’, H. Andersson
1 – ‘Anneberg-Skanstull high voltage cable tunnel, Stockholm, Sweden: challenges and possibilities performing pre-excavation grouting in hard crystalline rock from a TBM’, M. Creütz et al
2 – ‘Adoption of a grouting design during the production phase: Examples from the West Link project’, M. Zetterlund et al
3 – ‘Evaluation of grouting design considering favourable and unfavourable geological conditions’, M. Rahman et al
4 – ‘Real-time analysis during pre-excavation rock mass grouting: methods and benefits’, Helene Strømsvik et al
5 – ‘Potentials and limitations of using artificial intelligence to predict grouting parameters: results of a case study in a tunnel project in Scandinavia’, C. Klaproth et al
TECHNICAL SESSION 5: Grouting Equipment
1 – ‘Pressure losses along the delivery lines during rock grouting using polyurethane (PU) resins’, R. Penczek et al
2 – ‘Dynamic grouting – feedback resonance’, P. Ulriksen
3 – ‘Dynamic grouting – water hammer’, P. Ulriksen
4 – ‘Grout-free expandable standpipes for preexcavation grouting (PEG)’, J. Adams
To get details of the Grouting Course and registration information for the 10th Nordic Grouting Symposium – go to: https://www.ngs2023.se