Martin Knights, vice president of the International Tunnelling Association, has joined Jacobs Babtie as Head of Profession, Tunnelling and Board Director for the Environment Group, based in Croydon, south-east London. Jacobs has recently been appointed to supervise the Glendoe Hydro Project, in Scotland, and is currently completing supervision of a cable tunnel under the River Thames at Dartford. The company is also advising Thames Water on the proposed Abingdon Reservoir and Transfer Tunnels, and is working with the Irish Govt on the proposed PFi Road Tunnel Crossing of the Shannon River, Limerick. Jacobs recently completed the design/supervision of one the world’s largest span caverns for the CERN LHC Project, in Geneva, Switzerland.

At Arup, Associate Director Paul Watson has moved from his Project Manager role on the CTRL‘s Thames Tunnels back to the London office, where he takes over as Arup’s Tunnels Business Leader (Europe). Also in the London Office, Nathan Wilmot and Alison Norrish are promoted to Associate as from November 2005, following Steve Macklin last April. Keith Bowers was promoted to Associate Director also in April. Jon Hurt, in Arup’s New York office, is to take over the leadership of the firm’s Tunnels Skills Network. Minova, the global manufacturer and supplier of consumable products used in underground mining, tunnelling and civil engineering projects, announces the appointment of a new CEO for Minova Poland following the retirement of the existing CEO.

After 12 years as CEO of the Minova companies in Poland, Tadeusz Napieracz retired at the end of 2004. Mr Napieracz remains at Minova Poland as a consultant.
Zbigniew Kuska replaced Tad as CEO of Minova Poland on January 1st this year. Zbig, 46, joined Minova in 1996 as operations director for Minova Poland, from the Central Mining Institute, Katowice, where he worked as a researcher and assistant professor.

Dave Pointon, 58, has joined Union Railways (North) Ltd (URN), the client building the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL), as Managing Director.
Dave joins the CTRL project after 18 years with Eurotunnel where he had responsibility for bringing into full operation the Channel Tunnel, railway and all associated equipment and systems. Union Railways and London & Continental Railways (the parent company of URN) are confident that he will lead the client team to successfully bringing the CTRL in on time and budget.

NFM Technologies has just boosted its service activities with the arrival of Philippe Patret, in the post of External Services Manager.

A 48 year-old graduate of ESTP, Philippe Patret spent a large part of his career with Bouygues Travaux Publics, and then had several posts of responsibility with a TBM manufacturer.

He will bring his experience of major international project management to bear on developing the range of NFM Technologies services on offer to its clients, and also to boost this market within the Wirth Group.