Schöck ComBAR is a glass-fibre rebar with a glass content of 80 per cent, said to be unique among GFRP rebars. This, says the company, leads to an E-modulus of 60,000N/sq mm and a tensile strength of more than 1000N/sq mm.

It adds: “The high tensile strength of Schöck ComBAR insures that the content of reinforcement in the concrete remains practicable which is important for a good concrete flow. These values make the material the ideal reinforcement for piles and diaphragm walls of very deep starting- and reception shafts to be perforated by a TBM.”

ComBAR, which is currently in use on several international metro projects, is claimed to resist corrosion and chemicals, is non-magnetic, does not conduct electricity and is thermally insulating.

Schöck again: “The resistance to corrosion makes it an ideal reinforcement for durable structures in extremely aggressive environmental conditions and allows it to reduce the concrete cover sensibly. Besides material production and delivery, Schöck’s engineering service comprises consulting, design and planning assistance as well as site support.”

Schöck Bauteile

Tel: +49 7223 967 186

ComBAR is a glass-fibre rebar