Up to 700 job losses could occur following the take-over of UK company Biwater Industry by the French multi-national manufacturing group Saint-Gobain.

Biwater plc provided engineering solutions to the global water industries and manufactured pipes, couplings and pre-formed tunnel linings.

The aquisition will see the transfer of manufacturing from the Clay Cross site in Derbyshire, UK to other sites principally in the UK.

Pascal Queru, chief executive of the UK pipe division said: "We regret the job losses necessitated by the transfer of activities. The position of the 700 staff at Clay Cross is a priority for us. The transfer will create job opportunities and we will give assistance with relocation wherever possible. We will work with the employees and their representatives to give all possible assistance to those affected by redundancy, both financially and in their search for new employment."

A spokesperson for Biwater was unavailable for comment.