Seattle Tunnel Partners has submitted the apparent best value proposal to design and build the bored tunnel for the Alaskan Way Viaduct replacement, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) announced Thursday.
The joint venture of of Dragados USA and Tutor Perini, with subcontractors Frank Coluccio Construction, Mowat Construction and HNTB Corporation and Intecsa for design submitted a bid price of USD 1.0897bn, and technical credits totaled 71,577,000, for a combined apparent best-value score of 1,018,123,002. The Seattle Tunneling Group, comprising S.A. Healy, FCC Construccion, Parsons Transportation Group and Halcrow, submitted a bid price of USD 1.088bn with 38,152,000 of technical credits. Its combined apparent best-value score was 1,050,150,002.
“While lowest price is typically the winner, this time we considered both price and the team’s approach to schedule, design and other factors,” said WSDOT secretary Paula Hammond. “The price from Seattle Tunnel Partners was slightly higher, but our evaluation of their technical approach found it will deliver the best apparent value to WSDOT and taxpayers.”
There were up to 100 million technical credits, in the form of dollars, which could be earned by each team for overall management, schedule, tunnel roadway clearances, management of tunneling and ground deformation, and design and construction other than tunneling.
Major items in the contract are the TBM and the boring; the road within the tunnel; ventilation; fire/life safety and electrical systems; two operations buildings; tunnel settlement mitigation and portal construction.
The design-build contract is expected to be awarded later this month.