The move comes in the wake of Stonehenge Alliance’s surprise victory last month at the High Court to interrupt the passage of the £1.7bn (US$2.3bn) road and tunnel scheme, reported the BBC.

Among the objections cited in the letter is the effect the western tunnel entrances would have where they emerge in a deep cutting that would lead to a major interchange at the WHS boundary; that the costs of building a wider road had increased to roughly £2bn (US$2.7bn) and would involve maintenance costs of around £7m/year; and that proceeding with the scheme would be incompatible with government policy on decreasing carbon emissions.

John Adams OBE, chair of the Stonehenge Alliance, said that more than 200,000 people had signed a petition calling for the tunnel plans to be dropped.

The BBC reported that it awaits 10 Downing Street’s response to the Stonehenge Alliance letter.