Draft versions of four major economic and infrastructure plans for Auckland, New Zealand have been released for public consultation. Concerns over funding were raised simultaneously by Stephen Selwood, chief executive of the New Zealand Council for Infrastructure Development (NZCID).

“The plans are highly ambitious in nature and set out a bold vision for the future development of the city […] While there will be almost universal endorsement of the vision […] There is still considerable work to be done on integrating each of the plans into a fully cohesive, coherent and compelling development strategy for Auckland.”

The four plans: the Auckland Plan, the Economic Development Strategy, the City Centre Masterplan and the Waterfront Plan were released on Tuesday for the submission period, which will end on 25 October.

Selwood added, “Each plan has its signature infrastructure projects, such as light rail for the Waterfront Development Plan, heavy rail in the CBD Master Plan and combined western aligned road/rail tunnel in the Draft Auckland Plan, but it is not at all clear how these will work together or how they could possibly be funded given that there is already a NZD 10-15bn (USD 7.7-11.6bn) deficit facing the council to deliver on its current transport plans.”

To view the ‘Auckland bluprints’ visit: http://www.aucklandcouncil.govt.nz/EN/ABOUTCOUNCIL/PLANSPOLICIESPUBLICATIONS/THEAUCKLANDPLAN/Pages/theaucklandplan.aspx