Now called ‘Guidance on good practice for Work in Compressed Air’, the document continues to be based on UK practice and the ‘Work in Compressed Air Regulations (SI 1996/1656)’ but is applicable to work in compressed air anywhere.

The guide represents a revision and update of the 2012 edition and has been extended to provide guidance on integrating high-pressure compressed air work into the UK regulatory framework. It gives a holistic and comprehensive package of guidance on compressed air work at all pressures, complementing the 2019 revision of BS 6164 ‘Health and safety in tunnelling in the construction industry – code of practice’ and ITA/BTS CAWG Report 10, 2nd rev of 2018 ‘Guidance on good working practice in high pressure compressed air’. It also contains interim technical guidance on airlock safety, along with requirements for mixed gas and pressurised transfer shuttles for use until the current revision of EN 12110 is harmonised.

As part of the coverage of high-pressure work, the BTS Guide contains technical guidance on surface living habitats for saturation working which are not within the scope of the revision of EN 12110.

A copy of the guide can be downloaded from the BTS website