Construction of 7.6km of high-speed railway, including one tunnel, on the Madrid to Galicia rail project in Spain has been awarded to Ferrovial Agroman, a construction subsidiary of Spain-based Ferrovial. The EUR 108.8M (USD 143.1M) railway between the Padornelo Tunnel and Lubian will be completed in 2015.

The project includes the construction of the right gallery of the Pardonelo Tunnel (6,407m long) and galleries connecting with the existing tunnel, which will be upgraded as part of a different project. Ferrovial Agroman will also build the Leira viaduct (168 meters long) and the Pedro viaduct (295m long), both for the right-hand track.

This section is part of the 99-kilometer route between Puebla de Sanabria, Zamora, and Orense, Galicia, and is one of the most complex segments of the Madrid-Galicia high-speed railway line because of the area’s rugged terrain.