Preliminary work has started on a 6.6km long, 8m diameter water transfer tunnel that will be built as part of the US$267M, 180MW Asahan I hydropower plant in the Indonesian province of north Sumatra.

The main contractor is China Huadian Corporation in JV with Indonesian firm PT Bajradaya Sentranusa. Tunnel construction will be carried out by several local contractors including PT Wijaya Karya, PT Pembangunan Perumahan, PT Waskita Karya and PT Miduk Arta.

Speaking in late May China Huadian Corporation vice president Xie Chunwang said: “At the moment, the team is moving equipment to the location and carrying out preparatory engineering work to build the tunnel.”

The tunnel will transfer water from Lake Toba in Porsea, Toba Samosir, to the power plant. The project is to be completed in 39 months.