Tunnels and Tunnelling International invites readers to submit their best tunnelling photograph for the T&T tunnelling photo competition. We would like readers to capture the engineering brilliance, excitement and attraction of the tunnelling process, whether taken inside a tunnel or outside whether of the workforce, the tunnel production process, or of component manufacture



  • The competition is open to all readers globally of Tunnels & Tunnelling International and Tunnels & Tunnelling North America.
  • All photos must be the original work of the entrant. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
  • The photo must be in its original state. Photographs that have been altered for effect will not be accepted and this includes removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame. However basic adjustments such as those to brightness, contrast, saturation, noise reduction and sharpness are acceptable as long as the photograph remains a realistic depiction of the tunnelling process.
  • Photographs can be colour or black and white. They should be accompanied by a short caption which includes the name of the project, location and a brief explanation of what is depicted. Up to three photographs can be submitted per entrant.
  • Files submitted should be JPEG format. Please include your details in the file name e.g. John_Smith.jpg Winning entries will be published therefore they should be of sufficient quality to allow this. All images should be a minimum A4 size at 300dpi. Files larger than 5MB should be sent via an internet-based transfer service, such as WeTransfer.
  • Camera or smart phone entries are acceptable as long as they meet the stated file requirements.
  • Professional photographers and those who earn more than 10% of their income from photography are barred from entering.
  • Entries will be judged by the Editor and members of the T&T Editorial Advisory Board (EAB). Their decisions will be final and no correspondence will be entered into concerning those decisions.
  • Entries will only be accepted if emailed to editor@tunnelsandtunnelling.com. Entries submitted through social media platforms will not be accepted.
  • The copyright for each image entered will remain with the submitting photographer. However, by entering the contest, you hereby grant Tunnels & Tunnelling International, and Tunnels & Tunnelling North America a non-exclusive, irrevocable license to use your photograph(s) for editorial purposes, such as inclusion in future tunnelling articles. In that case, the entrant will be credited.
  • The winners will be contacted via the email address provided with the entry. If no response is received after three business days, a new winner will be selected and the previous winner will forfeit all rights to the prize.
  • The judges reserve the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to the stated contest rules.
  • Submissions should be emailed to editor@tunnelsandtunnelling.com. The closing date for entries is 31 May 2022.
  • By submitting an entry, each entrant agrees to these rules, that their entry complies with these rules, and that they will be liable to Progressive Media International and its licensees in respect of any damages or losses incurred which result from a breach of these rules.
  • The contest is void where prohibited or restricted by law.