The unique underground installation, featuring a river-inspired experience, pays tribute to the positive environmental impact the super sewer promises for London by preventing millions of tonnes of raw sewage entering the river every year.

The Tideway project looks ahead to protecting the River Thames for the first time in 2024 – when the system is actively tested.  

Image Credit: courtesy of Tideway

Tideway also gave lucky members of the public a chance to visit the super sewer and head 50 metres under the city to explore the underground garden, and see the scale of this impressive infrastructure up close.

Once fully operational, the super sewer will prevent 95% of sewage spills and create a cleaner healthier river environment. The ecological benefits will be significant for the hundreds of species of fish, birds, mammals and riverside flora that call the Thames home

Andy Mitchell, CEO of Tideway, said: "We're thrilled to unveil Loo Gardens – an underground oasis that symbolises the incredible environmental legacy that the Thames Tideway Tunnel will offer London and its communities for years to come. This subterranean haven provides a multisensory experience, featuring the nature that will thrive once the super sewer is fully up and running. The garden points to a cleaner, greener future, and an example of the long-lasting legacy the tunnel will leave, far outlasting its construction."

The Tideway project is due to be complete in 2025, following secondary lining, connection, commissioning and testing works. To date, the Tideway project has seen the creation of more than 4,000 sustainable jobs and more than 150 apprenticeships.