The World Tunnel Congress & 31st ITA General Assembly will be held on 7-12 May 2005 in Istanbul, Turkey.
Topics will include: tunnels, environment and the public; planning, research, developments and design aspects on underground structure; new developments in excavation technology for rock and soft ground tunnelling; contract management, financing and risk analysis; operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, renovation and repair of underground structures; seismic design of underground structures; geological and geotechnical investigations; tunnel machines and mechanised excavations; microtunnelling and trenchless technology; ground improvement and settlement control; and safety.
The official languages of the congress are English, French and Turkish. Abstracts and papers (in English) should be a maximum of 400 words, and reach the congress secretariat before 1 March 2004.
Contact: Mrs Esin Böge, Yollar Türk Milli Komitesi (Turkish Road Association), Karayollari Genel Müdürlügü, F-Blok Kat 1, Yücetepe 06100 Ankara, Turkey; tel: +90 312 418 79 05; fax: +90 312 425 82 10.