"This year three will be built, not crossing bridges, but crossing tunnels," Joko was quoted as saying by the Jakarta government’s website beritajakarta.com.

The government had planned to build a total of five tunnels, but decided to reduce that number to three this year. Two tunnels would be located in the Casablanca and Senayan areas. The location of the third tunnel was not specified.

Joko did not give details as to when work would be completed, except saying that it would take time because construction of a crossing tunnel is more difficult than that of a crossing bridge.

He expressed hope that the new underground crossing tunnels will help in reducing the number of traffic accidents in Jakarta.

Aside from the safety aspect, the crossing tunnel is better than a pedestrian bridge in terms of aesthetics, he said, adding that people would prefer descending a staircase rather than go up one.

Construction of the tunnels would be integrated with the mass rapid transportation terminals, said Jakarta Transportation Agency head Muhammad Akbar.

Concerned government officials are assessing the costs involved in constructing the tunnels.