The three bids – or Maximum Availability Payments (MAPs) – to design, build, finance, operate and maintain a subsea tunnel under a 35-year concession in the Port of Miami have been unveiled.
Ranging between about US$33M-US$63M per year, the MAP costs were ‘significantly’ lower than the US$68M budgeted for by project planners, said Florida Department of Transport (FDOT) in a statement with Miami-Dade County. Construction periods bid are 42 to 50 months.
The lowest MAP of US$33.26M was submitted by Miami Access Tunnel, and its proposed construction period is 47 months. The JV’s tunnelling works members are Bouygues Travaux Publics and Jacobs Civil.
The next MAP up was US$39.75M, submitted by Miami Mobility Group for a construction period of 50 months. The JV’s tunnel works members are Dragados and Parsons Transportation Group.
The highest MAP was bid by FCC Construccion/Morgan Stanley at US$63.25M for the shortest construction window of 42 months. The consortium’s tunnelling works members are FCC Construccion and Hatch Mott MacDonald.
MAP is the payment to be made by the project sponsors to the concessionaire assuming all elements of the tunnel and service and available as and when needed. Contract award is expected around early July, having initially been earmarked for about mid-June.