Consultant Sweco has been awarded a project management contract for the Western Metro subway to link the Finnish cities of Helsinki and Espoo.

The project budget is approximately Euro700M (US$906M) and the scheme involves construction of a 13km long subway with eight stations. The project is due for completion by late 2013.

Sweco’s project management contract on the extension to Helsinki’s metro is worth approximately Euro10M (US$12.9M), the company said.

The expansion project is being built in joint venture by the two cities, which have established a development company Lansimetro Oy (Western Metro Ltd).

The underground link will extend west from the present terminus at Ruoholahti to the new one at Matinkyla with seven intermediate stations – Lauttasaari, Koivusaari, Keilaniemi, Otaniemi, Tapoila, Niittymaa ad Niittykumpu.

Separately, Helsinki will see its rail infrastructure extend in the north of the city with the 18km long Ring Line. Poyry and WSP Finland are working for the Finnish Rail Administration (RHK) to develop the design for twin 8km long rail tunnels in the route from the Martinlaakso area to Vantaa airport and ties-in to the Paarata Stambanan rail link.

Construction of the urban rail loop is expected to begin next year. In the early planning stages of the scheme it was anticipated that the scheme could be completed around 2011 (T&TI, August 2007, p7).