The 300m-long tunnel under the Hesthagfjellet hill will form part of a new road between the municipalities of Neskilen and Heftingsdalen, on the outskirts of Arendal, in Norway’s southernmost county.

The road will separate the flow of traffic between the port, where a new battery factory is due to be built, and the coastal road, which is used by tourists. 

To cut through the hard rock, the tunnel will be built using traditional methods, following plans produced entirely using a centralised BIM model. Systra will be responsible for modelling the rock structure and designing the tunnel, access, electrical systems, drainage and environmental analysis with the aim of minimising CO2 emissions during construction.

“This is a significant strategic win for Systra,” said project manager Lars Christian Hansteen. “Firstly, it marks our first contract with this public client, offering the opportunity to establish a fruitful, long-lasting relationship with a major client that has several large projects in their pipeline for the coming years. Secondly, the project’s environmental and digital requirements align perfectly with Systra’s strategy.”

The new road will link with the new E18 motorway currently being built on the south Norwegian coast, a project Systra is also involved in.