The government of Israel has issued an invitation to prequalify for Tel Aviv’s 22km long, US$2bn Red Line Metro project that includes the boring of 7.5km of twin tube tunnel. The BOT contract up for grabs is said to be the country’s largest ever transportation project and is the first phase of the government’s bid to supply the city with a modern mass transport network designed to ‘support and stimulate the growth of the Tel Aviv Metropolis’.

The submission deadline for requests for pre-qualification is April-May 2002 with publication of an expected 4-6 shortlisted participants programmed for mid 2002. The issuance for invitation to tender will be made by November that year with proposals required by mid 2003. The preferred tenderer will be notified at the end of 2003 in preparation for a scheduled 2004 construction start date.

The scheme has a 32 year concession period after which the concessionaire will transfer the system to the state having recouped major investment in fare collection revenues. The pre-qualification stage includes a number of strict criteria including the proof of financial strength and economic resources with the candidate turnover required to be in excess of US$360M. Experience must also be proven in BOT schemes in the transportation sector.

A spokesman for the client told T&TI that although the 22km long line runs mainly at grade between Bat-Yam and Petah-Tikva, a 7.5km long stretch between Allenby and Ben Gurion will be in tunnels between 15-30m below surface. The tunnels are currently envisaged as a single track, twin tube configuration each with a 5.6m i.d. and will be bored by TBMs. At present two TBMs are scheduled for use although the spokesman said that this number could rise. Station construction for the underground section will be by cut and cover.

The government has declared the project as of ‘prime national importance’ having set up the NTA Metropolitan Mass Transit System Ltd in 1997 specifically to plan, promote and implement the scheme. Assisting the NTA is the special Tender Committee headed up by the Deputy Accountant General with the goal of ‘governing the tender process and negotiation and execution of the concession contract’.

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Tel Aviv Metro