Capture the moment that defines a tunnel project. Be it contractors knee deep in mud and concrete or the glossy finish of a newly laid segment. We are looking for the photo that can reveal the true nature of tunnelling.

The judges will be scoring on the technical quality of the shot and the moment it captures.

The closing date for entries is 1 July and the short listed entrants will be announced in the September issue of T&TI. The winners will be announced in the Tunnels Awards supplement in the December issue of Tunnels International.

Top tips

Competition judge Nick Kozak gives his top tips to taking the perfect photo:

1. Shoot, shoot, shoot as much as you can.
2. Think before you shoot; what are you trying to capture
3. Composition should be a priority.
4. Get closer – Robert Capa said; "If your pictures aren’t good enough, you aren’t close enough."
5. Edit, edit, edit, upload and sift through your photographs regularly.
6. Be your own critic; learn to identify what works and what doesn’t in your photos.
7. Look, look, look at others’ photographs, both amateur and professional.
8. Observe the world through an imaginary lens, even when you’re not photographing.
9. Show your photographs to others to get feedback.
10. Have fun, get a kick out of photography, it will show in your work.


The winner of the T&T 2011 photo competition will receive GBP 1,000 in camera store vouchers. Two runners up will be awarded GBP 250 each in camera store vouchers.

Entry is free. Closing date is 1 July. The competition is open to entrants from any country.

World Market Intelligence reserves the right to withdraw the competition.