The Woonasquatucket Interceptor is one part of a series of infrastructure improvements to separate sanitary and storm water flows and eliminate pollution into the Woonasquatucket River, which flows to Narragansett Bay. SEI is using three Akkerman MTBMs, an SL36, SL60 and SL74, which were at times increased to accommodate the six pipe ODs. All MTBMs are outfitted with mixed ground cutter heads featuring disc cutters and drag bits to excavate the mixed geology.

SEI began work on the project in September 2012 and anticipates completion of 22 total runs in March 2014. The conduits along the interceptor include: 618-ft. of 30-in. RCP; 149-lft. of 36-in. HOBAS pipe; 4,423-lft. of 48-in. RCP; 743-lft. of 54-in. RCP; 2,063-lft. of 60-in. RCP; and 3,980-lft. of 72-in. RCP.

SEI’s longest drive was achieved in mid-June, representing 1,073-lft. of 48-in. ID RCP with the SL60 machine. The project required careful staging around the shafts amidst narrow streets and traffic constraints.