Applicants working in the tunnelling and underground space sector (having up to 10 years’ relevant experience) are eligible for the medal but must demonstrate having made a significant contribution to either the industry, a project, or to a team. This can take the form of:

  • A contribution to the industry which can be demonstrated by involvement with BTSYM, research and development activities, extensive mentoring of those in their early careers, implementing or leading outreach initiatives etc., or
  • A contribution to a project which can be demonstrated through technical excellence, commitment to a project, delivering complicated work-packages, innovation, etc, or
  • A contribution to a team which can be demonstrated through ability to manage and lead, initiatives to mentor and upskill colleagues, championing innovative solutions, etc.

Applicants who wish to be considered for the medal must submit:

  • A statement (max. two A4 pages) detailing how they meet the desired attributes and criteria.
  • A copy of their CV, and 
  • A reference or endorsement letter from their line manager, a senior member of their team (director, tunnel manager, etc.), or a senior member of the industry. The BTS/BTSYM reserves the right to contact the endorser for further information regarding the applicant.

Applications, with all required documents, must be submitted to by 18.00hrs on 6 February 2022.

Further information is available HERE